Today it is a well-known truth that pharmaceutical manufacturing is becoming less efficient. Small batch sizes are and will be the trend on the horizon.The primary reasons are the rise of personalized medicine, the regulations requiring all pharmaceutical products to be serialized and add to that market-specific packaging requirements.
it´s not about running as fast as you can. it´s about being persistent and constant
Quote from our Technology manager, Daniel Brännwik at Graniten.
“If you can realize a close-to-zero changeover time in-between batches, you increase your overall efficiency rapidly. We believe that persistency and continuity is the key to success for the pharmaceutical packaging industry”.
New invention on the market
That’s why we invented Graniten Flexline platform. Our latest product innovation The Graniten Flexline packaging platform can be setup for a wide range of different formats within minutes.
Flexline packaging platform
The Graniten Flexline packaging platform can be setup for a wide range of different formats within minutes. New formats and patterns can easily be introduced. The platform is truly modular and each process step can be validated separately and new modules can easily be added as needs change.

Decrease change-over time to increase overall productivity
The Graniten Flexline Packaging Platform help ensure continuing production by allowing manufacturers to move their small order runs off the legacy, high-capacity lines, thereby reducing the amount of long and costly changeovers needed leading to higher asset and line capacity utilization.
So, forget the lengthy change-over times from one batch to another and turn your focus on the market needs instead of production limitations.
Biological drugs are increasing and will drive more complex and
controlled manufacturing methods
Introducing new formats is complex and time consuming, or even impossible.
The Graniten Flexline packaging platform decreases the time to market through it’s flexibility. It becomes easy to adapt to new requirements, i.e. an additional labels, serialization etc.
In the past, automated systems were closely designed around the physical formats of the products and tailored to very high volumes.
With Graniten Flexline packaging platform it becomes easy to adapt to new requirements, i.e. an additional labels, serialization etc.
Flexline modularity enables high usage of invested assets over time since machine can be easily adjusted for new products. Good for the environment and with a small footprint