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Work here

Graniten has a collaborative and dynamic work environment that promotes new thinking, and we always try to challenge existing systems to offer something completely new.

We believe in a flat organizational structure with short lines of communication and democratic management where you are given the opportunity to take responsibility and develop your career based on your strengths and potential.

feel like joining in?

We’re always looking for talented people who share our values!


Even if we don’t have a job posting right now, you’re always welcome to send us your application.

Send an open application to us
From clever mind robot

Job openings:


Nu söker vi en Elkonstruktör som ska hjälpa oss att hålla i vår innovationsledande roll inom förpackningsindustrin. 

Graniten är i en mycket expansiv fas och vi behöver fler elkonstruktörer som kan hjälpa oss att hålla i vår innovationsledande roll och vår höga servicegrad. Hos oss arbetar du med att utveckla våra avancerade maskiner åt stora läkemedelsbolag runt om i världen.

Som elkonstruktör har du en viktig roll i Granitens produktutvecklingsprocess; från specifikation till ritning och färdig produkt. Du skapar elkonstruktioner för den el som finns i våra maskiner och arbetar med utveckling, framtagning och underhåll av produkter där design, installation och verifiering ingår.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

Apply here
Flexline packaging robot


Är du utbildad elektriker med några års erfarenhet från industribranschen? Då har vi jobbet för dig!

Hos oss erbjuds du en varierande roll med mycket frihet under ansvar. I din arbetsroll ingår det att jobba med installation, avprovning och även felsökning på plats eller ute hos kunden. Du har goda möjligheter att påverka utformningen av maskinerna och bidra i konstruktionsfasen tillsammans med elkonstruktör.

Våra kunder är både stora och små företag inom flera olika branscher, där flera är världsledande inom sitt område. Produktionen bedrivs i ljusa, fina lokaler vid Kärranäs i Uddevalla.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

Apply here

Curious to find out more?

Our organization

Here’s a short introduction to our functions and working roles within Graniten and our people development strategy:


Do you want to develop products for the world´s leading healthcare providers and pharmaceutical industry?

Our Engineering function is responsible for developing our product range and lifecycle management including our technology plan. Naturally, its one of our biggest functions with Graniten.

Here our system, hardware, software engineers work along with
the Chief engineer and technology manager.

They troubleshoot and improve existing products and develop concepts and solutions based on demands and needs from our customers.


The collegues here are on top of all customer cases once our products have been delivered to customer.

The team diagnose and troubleshoot software and hardware related issues and are also responsible for spare parts management. Here our technical support engineers work. They give support both remotely as well as on site.


Our so called SCOP function is responsible for Purchasing, Production, Test & Validation and Quality.

This function ensures that all incoming material is delivered on time and that the machines are assembled correctly. It also ensures that the machines are tested and validated.Examples of work categories in this department are strategic buyers, mechanical assemblers, electricians, test & validation engineers, etc.


This function ensures that all projects at Graniten follow the targets on delivery content, timing and budget.

Our Project Managers are responsible to manage technically complex projects within the framework of the budget, time schedule, quality and scope – contributing to the overall sales result and customer satisfaction. They work with colleagues from engineering, test and validation, purchasing, production, service and aftermarket to deliver projects to our customers.


Finance, IT and HR are supporting the rest of the organisation in their areas of expertise.

Our colleagues here ensure that the Graniten Group has well-functioning financial, HR and IT  management to ensure financial stability, efficiency and compliance with laws and regulations. Here you find accounting, finance and talent management specialist etc.


Our salespersons have the privilege to sell our fantastic products.

Here our Sales team work together with our marketing manager. They take an active role in identifying prospective new market growth opportunities to achieve sales targets and business objectives. They have a central role in business development, B2B sales, protecting the brand and our communication strategy.

Our values

We have a strong company culture at Graniten!

At Graniten we strive to build long lasting professional partnerships with both customers and suppliers. We have a passion for teamwork and working together cross-functional. Innovation has always been a part of our spine and we believe that taking ownership and continuously developing our business is essential in this fast-paced environment.


GIFF & Wednesday workout

GIFF is not just another abbreviation at Graniten- it´s our staff association.

Graniten has a staff interest association that organizes nice trips and activities for our co-workers. It can be a ski-trip or a classical swedish “tipspromenad” (quiz walk) with a bbq after. Every second Wednesday we also have ani hour devoted to healthcare and training. And everyone is of course welcome to join in.

Graniten Academy

Sharing is caring!

At Graniten Academy we share knowledge with each other. As a co-worker you can wish for learnings, knowledge and trainings. Or you can take part of a training that is being held. Or you maybe have some topic that you would like to teach your collegues?

All our co-workers attends the onboarding programme which is a five module, in-depth introduction programme.

Talent management

If you grow – we grow!

For Graniten, a long-term approach to talent management is fundamental and something that has served us well over time. We take pride in taking on students for internship, thesis work and other school projects. We partner up with schools from upper secondary school level to Master thesis level.

One of our initiatives within this framework is the collaboration that Graniten conducts with University West, through the school’s educational concept Co-op (Cooperative Education). The collaboration enables us to find talents to invest in already during their studies.

If you gro we grow
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